Kapilvastu Integrated Development Services (KIDS) established as a NGO in Kapilvastu District on 31st August, 2005 and is affiliated with Social Welfare Council on 20 March, 2007. KIDS was established by the local community people with the purpose of providing services to local communities with the vision of “Healthy, inclusive and prosperous society with full of peace and equal justice.” KIDS has general assembly, represented by poor, vulnerable, disadvantaged and marginalized communities, including Dalit, Janajati, Madhesi, Muslims, Women, Adolescents, PLHA (People living with HIV/AIDS). The Executive Committee is also very inclusive by its mandatory provision and hence, consists of representation from diversified groups of the society, including socially excluded groups in line with Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI) strategy. Currently KIDS is headed by Muslim Madhesi Women and two vital positions of Executive Committee have been occupied by women from disadvantaged and marginalized communities.
Key Objectives:
- Assist sustainable livelihoods and economic security of poor and marginalized groups and communities through knowledge enrichment and skills development;
- Build community support and collaborate to enhance access of poor and vulnerable citizens to social services, including education, health and livelihoods;
- Capacitate and support to strengthen system for appropriate provision of quality education, public health, nutrition and agriculture services;
- Deepen access to safe water, proper sanitation and hygiene;
- Enable women, children, adolescents, youth, senior citizens and people with disability to enjoy their rights by helping them in reducing domestic, gender-based and social violence;
- Foster capacity of communities and stakeholders to address factors associated with climate change for promotion, conservation and protection of environment, including ancient arts and culture;
- Groom communities and stakeholders for disaster management works, including risk reduction, response, mitigation and preparedness;
- Have necessary advocacy for promotion of social justice, equitable access, equality and good governance.
Key Strategies:
- Social mobilization;
- System strengthening;
- Awareness and empowerment;
- Policy advocacy;
- Participatory and inclusive program planning, implementation, monitoring and evaluation with meaningful engagement of all stakeholders, including right holders;
- Coordination and collaboration with line agencies, local and provincial governments;
- Effective and efficient use of resources.